Couple days ago, I went to my first gathering of geeks. It was my future brotherinlaw's house-warming party.
There was this guy named Ozzy or Ozzie or something. He had long hair, in a pony-tail, a black dragon t-shirt and - I swear to God - he even spoke klingon.
He talked about computers, DnD, Anime, Star Trek, Star Wars, how the last matrix movie name it.
We all sat around playing Soul Calibur II, which is always a blast.
I never realised how true the geek stereotype is - these guys seriously spoke some klingon off-hand and talked a tonne about hentai anime and star wars and computers. It was insane. I was amazed at how cloned geeks are these days.
So tell me, why is it that geeks are so obsessed with these same things?
And how is it Soul Calibur II is the best game ever created?
In Memory of Petey
Time:11:00 AM