I wasn't actually going to post this, but then I decided that it was time to put up
On the Evils of Television
Steve: but yeah, i indulge in simple-folk entertainment at times.
Dave: absolutely
Dave: nothing gets you better into the mind and hearts of the peasants
Dave: speaking of which
Steve: indeed
Dave: is it just me, or are we all sick of the fucking trading spaces and trading spouses and pimping ur pad and pimping ur ride
Steve: lol
Dave: and all that shit
Steve: yes
Steve: and monster garage
Dave: yes
Dave: yes!
Steve: there is one show i'd like to see, though
Steve: it's about people that take old aeroplanes
Steve: and make furniture and stuff out of them
Dave: see, that's cool
Steve: which sounds like some really awesome furniture
Dave: that's creative
Steve: yeah
Dave: that's stuff that most cool people would be interested it
Dave: in
Steve: yeah
Dave: and i mean, they wouldn't freaking run it into the ground
Dave: i mean. i hope they wouldn't.
Steve: yeah
Dave: because the whole renovations thing was funny at first
Steve: (three yeah's in a row! i win!)
Dave: but now it's just gay
Steve: yeah, it was cool at first
In Memory of Petey
Time:9:26 AM