smoke for smoke

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Smokes vs. Women:
The Final Conflict

I've taken up smoking on a semi-regular basis now. This is due in part to the break-up, several weeks ago, of someone I work with and his just-getting-serious girlfriend. This rendering of his soul in twain left him with little or no optimism, and he started smoking again. When he was thirteen he started smoking in school, and he got up to half a pack a day, but then he quit. The break-up started it all again. So over our morning smoke he says, "Dave, girls are nothing but trouble," and I can't help but agree, since he's supplying the cigarettes. But once thought over, the positives of nicotine do tend to outweigh the positives of relationships. Faithfulness, dependability, comfort, recreation, all of these things make up a successful relationship, and when one or more goes awry, the relationship is then what is known as "on the rocks." Never on the rocks is such a relationship with nicotine. So folks, we have a new grand champeen.