smoke for smoke

Friday, September 02, 2005

Memories of Petey

My very most fond memory of Petey came only two months before the accident. We were all four of us walking down Mainstreet on our way to pick up some milk for Margarette (her husband had just gone away and left her with the kids). Petey always liked helping people - and that's what I'll remember most: his goodwill and honest spirit - and it was he what set us up to buy milk for Margarette.
As we were going along, we noticed there were some teenaged boys harrassing a younger boy and his teenaged sister. Petey, seeing this, became vexed and he flushed and his nostrils flared a little.
'Petey, it's not our business,' we warned.
'It's our business because it's our town, and what if it was you, and what if they decide that next time it will be?'
Petey had tears welling up in his eyes as he often did when he became righteously indignant.
So, in Petey fashion, he stormed right over there and told the teenagers to leave the girl and her brother alone. Sure, they punched him. Sure, they kicked him while he was down. But it was the way he stood right back up every time they knocked him down and never once asked us to help him that stands out most in my mind. He was so strong, and so brave.
Sure, they beat the shit out of him, but he did what he felt was right.
That's what it meant to be Petey.