smoke for smoke

Saturday, February 18, 2006

I think it's fair to say that we, all of us, have a certain denial about Petey's passing. I know I do. Sometimes I'll see someone in a Hawaiian shirt and I think 'Petey?'
But I know it's not, and I know deep down that he ain't coming back. Petey was too straight-forward for coming back. He always said that he figured death was like a doorway to a world of naked ladies and dinosaurs. There was no way he'd leave that behind. That was always Petey's dream world, whether it was the afterlife or where he'd go when he finished building his spaceship. He started building his spaceship out of old rusted parts from Jane Parson's junk-yard. Some weeks he'd take us out there every night to help him gather up bits and pieces he needed. He talked about it like he knew what he was doing.
"Guys, I need sixteen sparkplugs," he'd say. "No, wait," and he'd check his list, "yeah. Sixteen, guys."
In the end, no matter how many we found, he'd always have to get them himself because ours were never exactly what he was looking for.
One night, he needed three radiators and we thought he meant car radiators. So we dug out a few of them so he could pick through them and he just looked at us like we were crazy and went over to where all of the old household stuff was dumped and dug around until he found a radiator.
We didn't say a word, just started digging around trying to find a couple more. After a few minutes we had enough and he seemed happy with the ones we'd found. I think that was because he knew that he wasn't going to find anymore.
When we were dragging them off, Jane Parson came out shining around that big old spotlight of hers and we would've took off running but it's hard to run with these radiators and Petey said his spaceship wouldn't be able to take off without those exact ones. So we just stood there like a bunch of idiots and she kept shining the spotlight right in our eyes until she got up to us. We couldn't see her face but she was laughing and handed Petey a paper bag and told him good luck and god bless with the spaceship.
We were still shook up on the way back to the barn, but we weren't in trouble so that was okay. The bag was full of some old screws Petey said he'd asked her to collect for him, they had to be just the right size.
He never did finish that spaceship, it's still out there in the barn and it would be rusting if it wasn't already so rusted up.
I hope Petey was right about heaven, even though I'm not too fond of dinosaurs.